25 Alderson Rd
Fairview Downs
Hamilton 3214
New Zealand
PH 64-212956469

“Every essential element either in our fertilizer or diet is a contaminant if over supplied.”

— Brian McLeod

Timothy Pasture   Timothy is a highly nutritious pasture species, it grows rapidly in cooler climates, I have seen it wast high. It is also very palatable to all stock. When I was a young student at Massey and visiting Grasslands I saw stock grazing the grass trial sites but one trial site was protected form the stock, yes it was timothy. On asking the question “Why is that plot protected”? the answer was “If it wasn’t the sheep would graze it out before eating the others” This was my first lesson on pasture species palatability. The attached website gives a good overall account on the qualities of timothy. Being very palatable stock tend to over graze so management is critical to maintain a long term stand. Composition: Timothy doesn’t accumulate nitrogen like rye grass, rye grass in the spring and autumn can read up to 30% + protein with a high percentage as nitrates, resulting in high ammonia levels in the cow. High ammonia reduces productivity plus can increase animal health issues such as weight loss and infertility,  whereas timothy runs at 16 to 22% protein so is a superior pasture if we only look at nutrition. Working in Japan where timothy is the main pasture species, it is uses extensively for silage with some grazing, I have a large bank of timothy analyses results, with the analysis of the pastures I work with being conducted at Hill laboratory here in Hamilton NZ. Harvesting time: Timothy grows rapidly in the spring which means management is critical. Due to it’s rapid growth 5000kg DM/ha can quickly drop to 3000kg/ha if harvesting is delayed. This is due to plants becoming stalky and loss of base leaves. Once this happens quality is also lost. I great pasture species but it needs special treatment   Bryan L McLeod